The Mead School

Size: 28,000
Private School with only Robotics Lab for Middle School Students in Connecticut
North Stamford, Connecticut
Once the school of famed Jim Henson’s children and where his wife, Jane, became an assistant art teacher, the Mead School is an institution of creative learning for Fairfield County. The school has served its students well since it began in the 1960’s, but now is ready for remodelling to complement its curriculum.
Crown was originally retained to complete a full zoning study to determine the maximum allowable buildable rights on the property compared to the existing conditions and survey the existing structures for as-built drawings. With an initial positive outlook, Crown provided the Mead School's Board of Directors with the renderings, layouts and technical materials needed for their initial capital campaign, which secured the funds to commence the renovation.
The new façade on the central building has been completed, and moving into the next phase of the demolition of unused annex to make room for a new flagship building which will contain an assembly space, the admissions office and robotics lab. In addition to serving as a statement piece reflecting the school’s rich history and cutting edge educational trends it will also provide Handicap Accessibility to the entire campus. The plan also calls for the regrading and landscaping of nearly half of the 13-acre site to accommodate new bus lanes, parent drop off and parking.