The Millennium Broadway & Premier Hotels and Hudson Theater

The Millennium Broadway and Premier Hotels and Historic Hudson Theater were operating without a Certificate of Occupancy due to no fault of their own. When the properties were being constructed by other parties it was more of a wild west development mentality. Due to a lack of records from the former property owners and the Department of Buildings, Crown spent three years working hand in hand with senior city officials to ensure these properties are in proper standing.
- Coordinated with three different Senior Vice Presidents of Engineering on location and senior corporate staff from England and Singapore for the Millennium
- Closing out and Obtaining Letters of Completion for over 50 different job applications
- Redesigned all banquet and business spaces to increase the maximum usable occupancy by 33%
- Interior renovations to the Historic Hudson Theater (used exclusively for hotel functions) and interior renovation of adjoining private residence
- Obtained Fire Safety Plans
- Obtained 15 Place of Assembly Permits
- Obtaining a new Certificate of Occupancy for all properties
The three properties are operating in full accordance with the city. Global corporate management now has an indepth understanding of their asset as never before. Crown continues to work with the Millennium for the continuous needs of a three property hospitality property.